Knit hats in Uganda
The simplest things can spread love and warmth around the world. Most people don’t think of Africa as cold especially in Uganda as it lies on the equator, but at high altitudes it gets quite cold. At 6,600 ft above sea level, Kabale is named the “Swiss Alps of Africa,” where the majority of people lack heating in their homes.
We were prepared for the cold but as we traveled around the area we saw children barefoot and shivering.
Mothers were so grateful for the lovely hand knit hats we gave their children and we even had some for the moms! Handing out these warm hats brought us such joy, we only wished we had more.
Thank you to Knit Wits and Stitch & Give Knitters of Lake County, California for their loving and generous gifts. These hats have been distributed in Nepal, Haiti, Chad, Uganda and at home in Lake County, California.
by Dr. Paula Dhanda
Photo credit Nathan DeHart