Dr. Paula Dhanda, guest speaker and Toni Stewart, LWCC president at the club’s March 6 meeting.
Lakeport >> The Lakeport Women’s Civic Club (LWCC) hosted gynecologist Dr. Paula Dhanda at its regularly scheduled meeting and luncheon at the Riviera Country Club Restaurant on March 6.
Not only is Dhanda known here in Lake County for delivering thousands of babies and caring for woman in the community, she is dedicated to providing the best medical care possible for women in all parts of the world.
During the meeting, Dhanda spoke about the nonprofit organization, Worldwide Healing Hands, that she founded and directs in order to reach out to women in depressed areas of the world. She and a team have traveled to Chad, Africa, Nepal and Haiti working with patients and doctors, introducing procedures and practices to improve the health care for women and babies.
She has received numerous awards in recognition for her work including the 2014 Unsung Heroes of Compassion accolade presented by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. Lake County is truly Tricia Frazer is the publicity chair for the Lakeport Women’s Civic Club.
Dr. Paula Dhanda is a practicing physician in Kelseyville. She is the founder of Worldwide Healing Hands. She may be reached at 279-8733 or visit http://drspecialtycare.com/ or http://www.worldwidehealinghands.org/.
Published in the Lake County Record Bee: Dhanda speaks to Civic Club